Just pre:

blank line follows

  this line has leading, embedded,   and trailing space  
previous line has one space
	this line has leading and	embedded tabs

Firefox: correct display; successful copy

Chrome: correct display; successful copy

With ordered list/pre:

  1. blank line follows
  2.   this line has leading, embedded,   and trailing space  
  4. previous line has one space
  5. 	this line has leading and	embedded tabs

Firefox: weird display; weird indent in copy, extra newlines, but whitespace preserved

Chrome: extra vertical space in display; blank line lost in copy

With ordered list/code:

  1. blank line follows
  2. this line has leading, embedded, and trailing space
  3. previous line has one space
  4. this line has leading and embedded tabs

Firefox: weird indent in copy, all interesting whitespace lost

Chrome: whitespace lost in display, only embedded tab preserved in copy